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FAQs | Oma's Pride Pet Food
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What are the benefits of feeding my pet raw food?
- Healthy Gut Biome. Raw food contains digestible, bioavailable nutrients and enzymes. Your pet’s poop will be smaller, firmer, and less smelly when they eat species appropriate whole foods.
Strong, Clean Teeth. Raw food, without high sugar levels or carbohydrates, reduces dental disease by boosting the immune system. Chewing on raw, meaty bones also cleans tartar and plaque from teeth.
Hydration Boost. Most kibble-fed dogs are chronically dehydrated and inflamed because of dry food. Pets need moisture-rich food to thrive—Oma’s Pride raw food contains about 70% moisture.
Softer, Shinier Coat. Pets who eat nutrient-rich, biologically appropriate foods experience less inflammation, fewer allergies, less shedding, and less atopic dermatitis. The result? Healthy, shiny, and less oily coats that are soft to the touch.
Better Weight Control. Raw food contains essential vitamins, minerals, and protein for optimal nutrition and metabolic health. Pets on a raw food diet are less inflamed, more muscular, and less likely to become overweight.
Allergy Relief. The root cause of most allergies is linked to the immune system. An anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense raw diet can lead to less itchy skin, less redness, and reduced scratching and chewing.
If my pet has allergies to specific proteins, can they eat them in a raw form?
Pets can be allergic to specific proteins in a processed form (for example, kibble or canned). However, when they eat those proteins in a raw state, they do not have the same allergic reaction. While it is possible for an allergy to occur, there is a much greater chance that your pet will be able to eat proteins in their raw state instead of a processed state.
If my pet has environmental allergies, will this help them?
Depending on the allergies, it may help! A raw diet contains whole foods, high levels of moisture, and bioavailable nutrients. When pets eat as nature intended, their immune system functions optimally, improving their gut health. This can lead to:
Less itchy skin, inflammation, and redness
Less watery eyes
Less chewing on skin and paws
Fewer ear infections
Less scratching
How do I transition my pet to raw food?
There are two ways to switch your pet to raw food, gradually or using the “cold turkey” method.
The Gradual Method:
The gradual method is ideal for older pets or pets with sensitive stomachs. Essentially, with the gradual method, you slowly introduce raw meat into your pet’s diet. You begin by feeding both the current food and raw food at different times of the day. We recommend gradually decreasing the amount of kibble (or current food) fed in the morning while increasing the amount of raw food fed in the evening over a week or two.
Please wait to introduce raw meaty bones (Turkey Necks, Chicken Necks, Chicken Backs, and Duck Necks) until your pet has been on full raw for 7-10 days.
Example feeding plan: Think of your pet's daily intake adding up to 100%. Begin in the morning by feeding about 75% of their daily food intake using their current kibble (or other food). Then, in the evening, give them about 25% of their daily food intake using the new raw food. Feed this percentage until your pet’s stool is healthy looking.
Every few days, begin decreasing the percentage of kibble and increasing the percentage of raw food.
Days 1-4: AM 75% kibble (or current food) and PM 25% raw food
Days 5-8: AM 50% kibble (or current food) and PM 50% raw food
Days 9-12: AM 25% kibble (or current food) and PM 75% raw food
Day 13 - 100% raw food diet!
The Cold Turkey Method:
When using the cold turkey method, you immediately switch your pet to raw without slowly transitioning. If your pet is young and healthy without digestive or stomach issues, you may be able to use this method.
If you choose this method, we recommend fasting your pet for 24 hours from all foods (but they should have plenty of fresh water). This fast will clear their current food from the digestive system.
On day two (after the fast), you can begin feeding your pet raw food. We recommend starting with Oma’s Pride Signature mixes (for dogs) or Oma’s Pride Complete Meals. These specific products contain bone and will help the digestive tract prepare to eat whole bones. We also recommend starting with chicken or turkey proteins as they are milder, easier to digest, and contain less fat.
Please wait to introduce raw meaty bones (Turkey Necks, Chicken Necks, Chicken Backs, and Duck Necks) until your pet has been on full raw for 7-10 days.
In addition, we strongly recommend adding one of our daily supplements, like Digestive Performance or Fundamental Vitality, to ease your pet into a raw food diet. Both of these supplements contain probiotics to help regulate a healthy digestive tract.
How do I serve raw food to my pet?
Keep raw food frozen until ready for use. We recommend letting the raw food thaw out in the refrigerator for about 24 hours before serving. Once thawed, use the meat within 4 days. Discard any uneaten product after 4 days.
We recommend storing raw meat in a washable container (like Tupperware) in case leakage happens during thawing. Always follow safe food handling techniques, like washing your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat, to keep yourself safe.
Should I be concerned about my pet’s exposure to bacteria or parasites when eating raw meat?
Here are a few reasons why you should not be concerned:
We use bacteriophage technology. Oma’s Pride uses bacteriophaging during the food production process to reduce or eliminate the presence of disease-causing bacteria (salmonella, E-coli, and listeria). Bacteriophaging does not impact the taste, color, quality, or consistency of products. It is a trusted technology, which is why it is used in the human food industry on products like smoked salmon and deli meats. The bacteriophage process leaves only beneficial bacteria in the meat to preserve its raw nutritional integrity. Read more about bacteriophaging on our blog.
We use high-quality ingredients. Oma’s Pride only uses all-natural, top-quality, and human-grade ingredients. We follow our rigorous HACCP program and USDA regulations.
Raw meat is biologically appropriate. Cats and dogs are carnivores anatomically built to process raw meat as an ideal diet. Pets’ systems are highly acidic (for example, their stomachs contain about 10 times more hydrochloric acid than human stomachs), so harmful bacteria have trouble surviving in this environment. Pets also have shorter GI tracts than humans, jaws designed to chew and rip meat (not plant matter), and sharp canine teeth.
Will my pet get digestive upset if I switch them from dry food to raw food?
Unless your pet has a sensitive stomach or other digestive issues, they should not experience digestive upset when transitioning to raw food. We recommend starting with a milder, lower-fat protein like chicken or turkey to avoid upset. If you are worried about digestive upset, we recommend slowly transitioning your pet to raw food over a week or two.
Please note that it is normal for pets to have looser stools or experience diarrhea when first transitioning to a raw diet (called detoxification). To help with the transition into a raw food diet, we strongly recommend adding one of our daily supplements, like Digestive Performance or Fundamental Vitality. Both of these supplements contain probiotics to help regulate a healthy digestive tract.
Should my pet drink less water while eating raw food?
Your pet will likely drink less water on a raw diet than on a kibble diet. Kibble and dry foods lack moisture content, while raw food has a high moisture content. On a raw diet, pets receive more water content and hydration through the food, making them less thirsty and more hydrated.
Will my pet’s behavior change when eating raw food? Will they become more aggressive?
It is a myth that your dog or cat will become more aggressive simply from eating raw meat (a biologically appropriate diet). While carnivores have a prey instinct, like chasing squirrels or other animals, this drive is not impacted based on diet. Prey drive is correlated with behavior management, training, breed, and other genetic factors.
Dogs can become aggressive if they eat a diet, raw or kibble, deficient in tryptophan (an amino acid). You can ensure your dog is not missing tryptophan by giving them food that meets AAFCO minimums for a complete and balanced diet (like ours).
Is it safe for my pet to chew on raw, meaty bones?
Yes! Pets can chew on raw, meaty bones. However, it is not safe for them to chew on cooked bones because they can splinter and cause internal damage.
Give your pet a bone that matches their size to ensure the safest chewing session possible. For example, a larger dog will need a larger bone, while a smaller dog needs a smaller one. Read more about raw bones for dogs on our blog.
Always monitor your pet while they are chewing on a raw bone.
Will my pet experience detoxification when transitioning to a raw diet?
When some pets transition from kibble to raw, their body will purge or detox toxins from the body. However, your pet may not experience any detoxification symptoms at all. Most symptoms of detoxification should only last one or two weeks.
Signs of detoxification include diarrhea, loose stools, shedding, and runny eyes. Ensure your pet gets plenty of fresh water, electrolytes, and probiotics as they transition.
Can puppies and kittens eat raw food?
Yes, puppies and kittens can eat raw food. Here’s how:
Puppies can begin eating a quality raw diet directly after they are weaned from milk (around 5-6 weeks old).
Kittens can start on a quality raw diet when they are 3-4 weeks old after weaning from milk.
While some may be concerned that kittens and puppies will get sick from a raw diet, they are carnivores designed to process this diet after weaning. The earlier they begin eating biologically appropriate food, the better. Additionally, starting your kitten or puppy on a raw diet can help them develop a healthy gut and immune system early.
Can I feed my pet a combination of kibble, raw, canned, or freeze-dried foods?
Yes, you can feed a combination of kibble and raw (and freeze-dried, etc.) together in the same bowl.
The belief that kibble and raw digest at dangerously different rates is a myth. While meal composition does influence digestion speed, it’s not in a way that necessarily causes harm. The canine stomach maintains a highly acidic environment (pH around 1-2) when food is present, whether it’s kibble or raw. Small fluctuations in gastric acid levels or enzyme secretions shouldn’t cause distress to a healthy animal’s body.
A pet’s system digests all foods using the same general process (food travels from the mouth to the stomach to the intestines in a highly acidic environment). No scientific studies show that a healthy carnivore’s body cannot handle raw and dry foods together.
Please note! Some dogs with sensitive stomachs may do better when meals are split. Many pet parents find success feeding kibble in the morning and fresh food in the evening. This allows the body to process carbohydrates and fiber throughout the day while benefiting from a protein- and moisture-rich meal that digests efficiently before bedtime.
If your pet has a sensitive GI tract, changing foods too quickly can cause digestive upset. This is where feeding raw and dry food together can cause an upset stomach. If your animal is sensitive, slowly add in new foods over time. You can also add our Digestive Performance supplement, canned 100% pumpkin, bone broth, or slippery elm bark to your pet’s bowl to help.
At the end of the day, the best way to feed your furry family member is the one that works for you. We recommend incorporating as many raw, whole foods into your pet’s diet as possible. As we like to say, any raw is better than no raw!
Does Oma’s Pride food need to be cooked? Can it be cooked?
No, our food is meant to be served in its raw form. Cooking the food can lead to the loss of essential amino acids and enzymes. In addition, cooking our raw food that contains raw bones can be dangerous because cooked bones can splinter and cause internal damage.
Does your raw food meet AAFCO requirements for a complete and balanced diet?
The answer: it depends on the product! While some of our products are designed to meet and exceed AAFCO’s standards, others are designed for supplementary feeding purposes. We sell products for everyone: those who want complete and balanced meals and DIYers.
Here is a link to our AAFCO complete and balanced raw recipes: https://omaspride.com/raw-complete-recipes/. You do not need to add anything additional to these recipes, as they meet (and exceed) all of your cat or dog’s nutritional requirements.
Here is a link to our supplementary raw signature mixes: https://omaspride.com/omas-pride-raw-signature-mixes/.
We also sell raw whole proteins, raw ground proteins, raw tripe, raw meaty bones, and more for supplemental or intermittent feeding.
Do I need to add anything to Oma’s Pride pet food?
The answer: it depends on the product! If you purchase a complete and balanced recipe to meet AAFCO requirements (find them here), you do not need to add anything additional. These recipes meet (and exceed) all your pet’s nutritional requirements.
However, if you are a DIY raw feeder and purchase our intermittent feeding products, you need to add additional ingredients or products to make a complete and balanced recipe.
Do you HPP?
No, Oma’s Pride does not HPP. We do not cook or pasteurize our raw food in any way. Instead, we use a nutritionally superior process called bacteriophaging. Bacteriophaging reduces or eliminates the presence of disease-causing bacteria (salmonella, E. coli, and listeria). The bacteriophage process leaves only beneficial bacteria in the meat to preserve its raw nutritional integrity.
Bacteriophaging does not impact the taste, color, quality, or consistency of products (unlike HPP). Bacteriophaging is all-natural, does not contain preservatives, and is non-GM (genetically modified). It is a trusted technology, which is why it is used in the human food industry on products like smoked salmon and deli meats.
How long will the pet food stay fresh in the freezer?
Oma’s Pride pet food will stay fresh in the freezer for 12-18 months. Although the food will remain fresh after this, you will likely see some freezer burn on the edges after 12-18 months. Most of our frozen products have a best-buy date of 12+ months.
Do you sell raw food for cats?
Yes! Most of our products are crafted for both cats and dogs, except for our Signature Mixes and Woof Complete Recipes.
On the Oma’s Pride website, every product is labeled with a dog and/or cat stamp. If you see the cat stamp on a product, it is designed for cats and kittens.
Are your products organic?
All of our products are human-grade, completely natural, domestically sourced, and free of hormones and antibiotics. Additionally, all ingredients arrive from USDA facilities. Our ingredients are very often organic; however, supplier variety, seasonality, and the nature of fresh (not frozen) recipes with multiple ingredients in each product mean that not everything is organic.
What are your safety procedures?
Oma’s Pride has been a USDA-certified food production facility since the 1970s with a rigorous HACCP program in place for decades. We continue strict adherence to our HACCP program and USDA regulations thoroughly.
All plant leaders are certified; we are also USDA and FDA-registered and compliant. Pre-op, post-op, and intermittent facility quality checks are standard and customary. Our dedicated staff follow a multi-step cleaning process with natural food-grade cleaners and 140-degree water. Finally, we use state-of-the-art bacteriophaging technology for pathogen mitigation and cleanliness.
Where do you source your ingredients from?
We have 70+ years of expertise and credibility in the meat, vegetable, and transportation supply chains.
We source our ingredients from multi-generational, family-owned farms that are USDA-inspected processors with whom we share long-established relationships of trust. Whenever possible, we source locally.
- Our proteins are USA-sourced (except for some exotics). In 2024, we started sourcing select human-grade lamb from both the USA and Australia to make the product more premium and affordable.
We source blanched vegetables primarily from the United States and occasionally from South America, depending on seasonality.
Our meats are grass-fed and antibiotic-free (never 4D or rendered).
Our food is made from 100% human-grade meat, vegetables, organs, bones, and herbs.
What is your kill step?
Oma’s Pride uses bacteriophaging during the food production process to reduce or eliminate the presence of disease-causing bacteria (salmonella, E. coli, and listeria). The phages are sprayed on our products during the production process with time to mix thoroughly prior to packaging.
Bacteriophaging does not impact the taste, color, quality, or consistency of products. It is an FDA-approved and trusted technology, which is why it is widely used in the human food industry on products like smoked salmon and deli meats. The bacteriophage process leaves only beneficial bacteria in the meat to preserve its raw nutritional integrity. Read more about bacteriophaging on our blog.
Is your poultry free-range and GMO-free?
Yes, our poultry products are free-range and GMO-free. Additionally, they are also antibiotic-free, hormone-free, and human-grade.
Why is the product I purchased a different color than the last time I bought it?
All of our products are crafted from all-natural ingredients, free from additives, by-products, artificial colors, fillers, or chemicals.
Our products are completely natural and made from whole raw animal parts. Depending on the seasonality, the growth of the animal, the exact feed, and the exact source, the product will change because all animals are different. Due to this, slight changes in color and texture between batches are completely normal and not a cause for concern.
Why are Signature Mixes intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding?
By itself, a Signature Mix does not contain every vitamin, mineral, or ingredient that AAFCO requires for a complete and balanced diet. This is where rotational feeding (or intermittent or supplemental feeding) comes in. As the name suggests, rotational feeding is the practice of switching a pet’s food intermittently to achieve balance over time. This can look like alternating proteins, types of food, or adding different toppers.
Benefits of rotational feeding:
Ensures that pets are exposed to a variety of amino acid profiles, minerals, and vitamins over time.
Mimics the ancestral diet of dogs and cats. Wild animals don’t eat the same ingredients for every meal, so rotating meals mirrors this practice at home.
Reduces the chance of developing allergies. From a holistic perspective, if pets eat the same meal every day, there is a chance that the body can develop an aversion to that food or an intolerance to other foods because of it. Exposure to a variety of foods improves immunity, helps gut bacteria flourish, and keeps the system adaptable overall.
Consider adding a supplemental vitamin like Fundamental Vitality to our Signature Mixes. Fundamental Vitality is our all-in-one supplement, combining the benefits of a multivitamin, Digestive Performance, and Advanced Mobility in one. It’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, omegas, enzymes, probiotics, and amino acids to help your pet thrive on a rotational diet.
If you’re concerned about rotational feeding, you can always purchase one of our Woof Complete or Purr Complete products. These complete raw meals meet and exceed AAFCO canine and feline nutritional requirements, so nothing needs to be rotated or added to these meals.
What essential vitamins and minerals do you add to your Woof and Purr Completes?
We add essential vitamins and minerals to our Woof Complete and Purr Complete products only. These vitamins and minerals allow us to meet and exceed AAFCO requirements for complete and balanced meals for all life stages. The vitamins and minerals we add are high-quality and include ingredients like dried whey, organic coconut flour, dried algae, selenium yeast, and more.
Most of our products (Signature Mixes, Whole Bones, Ground Proteins, Chews, and Freeze-Dried Toppers & Treats) do not contain added vitamins or minerals.
Why did you select certain produce types for Complete Recipes and Signature Mixes?
We carefully select high-quality, human-grade vegetables for our Complete Recipes and Signature Mixes that provide optimal nutritional benefits to pets.
Our squash is cooked; most of our vegetables are blanched. Blanching is the process of placing vegetables quickly in boiling hot water and afterward in cold water. Blanching helps the vegetables retain their texture, flavor, and color—it also removes dirt and other microorganisms. Blanching preserves nutrient integrity much better than other methods like boiling.
Vegetables are more bioavailable and easier to digest for dogs after blanching because the process breaks down the cellular wall. Dogs may have trouble digesting raw vegetables because they have very little amylase (an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) in their saliva.
Here are the benefits of the produce types we use:
Broccoli. Loaded with vitamins A, C, and K; has sulforaphane (an antioxidant); it’s a great source of fiber and potassium. Broccoli reduces inflammation, regulates immunity, and supports healthy digestion.
Butternut Squash, Yellow Squash & Zucchini. Squash varieties are filled with potassium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin B6, fiber, and magnesium. Squash supports digestion, hydrates the skin, and contains antioxidant properties to detox the body of free radicals.
Kale. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K; contains powerful antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin; loaded with calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. Kale supports energy, immunity, vision, and blood health.
Green Beans. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K; contains manganese, fiber, iron, protein, and calcium. Green beans help with metabolism, immunity, reproduction, vision, healing, and bone health.
Okra. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and folate. Its benefits include a regulated immune system and metabolism and stronger bones, muscles, and nerves.
Carrots. Loaded with fiber, vitamin A (from beta-carotene), niacin, and B vitamins. Carrots support eye health, shiny skin and coat, and a healthy immune system.
Why is taurine listed as an ingredient in the Purr Complete Recipe but not in the Woof Complete recipes?
Although canine and feline diets do overlap in some areas, canine and feline systems require different amino acid levels and ingredients to thrive. Both dogs and cats need taurine, an amino acid, to be healthy. Canines are able to synthesize taurine in the body from cysteine and methionine in meat. Felines, on the other hand, are unable to synthesize taurine in the body—they must get taurine directly from their diet.
Taurine deficiency in cats can lead to blindness, abnormal growth, and cardiomyopathy. The inclusion of taurine in the Purr Complete Recipe is essential for feline well-being and health.
Is the produce you use pesticide-free? Or do you use non-chemical pesticides?
We source our human-grade produce from USDA suppliers who follow strict federal regulations to ensure safety and quality. While not always certified organic, our vegetables meet the safety standards set by the USDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which regulate and monitor pesticide use to ensure residues are within safe limits.
Our produce is very often organic; however, supplier variety, seasonality, and the nature of fresh (not frozen) recipes with multiple ingredients in each product mean that not everything is organic. At times, we do receive USDA Certified Organic produce (meeting the highest certifiable regulatory standard), but since this is not guaranteed for every batch, we do not claim our food is fully organic. However, our food is made with organic produce.
It’s important to note that even organic farming allows certain natural pesticides, such as plant-based extracts and biological controls, under strict USDA guidelines. Our commitment is to provide the highest quality ingredients that meet human food standards, just like those supplied to schools and restaurants.
What are your freezing practices to ensure that raw fish (like sardines) are safe for pets to consume raw?
Our freezers are set at -10°F and consistently operate below -4°F. All of our fish products are deep-frozen for a minimum of 10 days before they reach your door or a store; they are often frozen for well over a month.
While no raw food is completely risk-free (just like cooked food), we take extensive proactive measures to ensure the safety and quality of our products, including:
USDA human-grade ingredient sourcing to maintain premium quality.
Strict HACCP operational and cleaning protocols for sanitation and food safety.
A rigorously tested bacteriophage program to reduce or eliminate the presence of disease-causing bacteria (salmonella, E. coli, and listeria).
Decades of experience in sourcing and packaging high-quality fish specifically for raw pet consumption.
Manufacturing in our own USDA-registered and inspected facility that adheres to stringent food safety regulations.
With proper handling, raw fish is a safe and nutritious addition to your pet’s raw diet.
Are there any concerns about botulism when pets eat raw sardines?
Since Oma’s Pride sardines are raw, there should not be a concern about botulism in this product. According to the FDA, "salt-cured, dried, or fermented un-eviscerated fish larger than 5 inches have been linked to outbreaks of botulism poisoning in humans.” Since our products are completely raw, there is no concern about botulism.
Additionally, bacteriophaging is used on sardines to reduce or eliminate the presence of disease-causing bacteria (salmonella, E. coli, and listeria). The bacteriophage process leaves only beneficial bacteria in the meat to preserve its raw nutritional integrity.
Are there any concerns about parasites in raw meat? Are there any concerns about the flukes parasite in raw salmon?
In general, canine and feline systems are well-equipped to eat and process raw meat. When properly prepared and handled, the chances of finding parasites in high-quality, human-grade, ethically sourced meat are extremely low.
To alleviate any concerns, the standard practice is to freeze raw meat for about 24 hours to 7 days to kill almost all parasites that could be present in raw meat. Although some parasites can survive freezing, they are extremely rare.
Additionally, some pet parents may be concerned about flukes or fish flu (also known as Nanophyetus salmincola) in raw salmon. To alleviate concerns, the recommendation is to freeze the raw salmon before consumption: “Nanophyetus salmincola metacercariae are effectively destroyed by proper cooking or freezing of infected fish at –20°C [-4°F] for 24 hours” (source).
At Oma’s Pride, our freezers are set at -10°F and consistently operate below -4°F. All of our products are deep-frozen for a minimum of 10 days before they reach your door or a store; they are often frozen for well over a month. Due to this, pet parents should not be highly concerned about feeding raw meat or salmon to pets.
Finally, our salmon is GAP Certified and BAP Certified, high-quality salmon farm-raised in Norway’s pristine Atlantic Ocean. While no raw food is completely risk-free (just like cooked food), we take extensive proactive measures to ensure the safety and quality of our products, including high-quality sourcing, following a rigorous HACCP program at our USDA-registered facility, and using a rigorous bacteriophage program.
Is your duck fed any grains, corn, barley, potato, etc.?
Our ducks are sourced from small, independently owned family farms in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic U.S. These farms prioritize high-quality feed and ethical farming practices. Their ducks are fed a carefully balanced diet consisting primarily of corn, soybeans, and wheat, supplemented with essential vitamins and minerals. The feed is produced with strict quality control, and no antibiotics or added growth hormones are used.
Additionally, our farms adhere to high U.S. standards for animal welfare and feed quality. While large-scale industrial farms may pose risks of mycotoxins in grains or other feed-related concerns, our suppliers operate on a much smaller scale with close oversight, significantly reducing these risks. Our ducks are never fed potatoes.
We choose to source exclusively from U.S. farms despite higher costs because it allows us to ensure better feed quality, higher safety standards, and responsible farming practices.
I noticed one of your products is out of stock. When can I expect it back in stock, and how can I be notified?
Overall, we work hard to keep all items stocked. We are proud to say that we held 98% product availability across all of 2022.
Given our comprehensive product offerings and the fluctuations in raw material availability, we do not currently announce when items are out of stock or return to stock. We are working to integrate a feature to improve this in the near future.
Where do you ship Oma’s Pride products?
Oma’s Pride is proud to ship anywhere in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, via FedEx. Unfortunately, we do not currently offer international shipping (we're working on it!).
We proudly offer FREE shipping on all online orders totaling $149 or more to the contiguous United States. Alaska and Hawaii do not qualify for free shipping, regardless of cart total. Read our detailed shipping policies here.
What is Oma’s Promise and shipping guarantee?
When you shop at Oma’s Pride, you are covered by Oma’s Promise to protect your order and the planet. All e-commerce orders are protected from loss, damage, or theft while in transit. All orders are shipped in eco-friendly packaging to contribute to a carbon-neutral shipping initiative.
We’ve partnered with Route, a package protection solution, so you can see where your package is in real time, file a claim if any issues arise, and directly contact support.
Ready to view your orders? Click here to download the Route App for iOS or Android.
Looking to file a shipping issue online? Click here to file.
You provide carbon-neutral shipping. How does this work?
One of our core values is environmental stewardship and sustainability. Our commitment to these values is demonstrated in every aspect of our business.
Our decisions are made with the planet in mind, from sustainably sourcing raw ingredients to carefully selecting eco-friendly product packaging and shipping materials.
When you order from Oma’s Pride, you can be confident that over 95% of the packaging contents are recyclable and/or derived from recycled materials. We also guarantee carbon-neutral emissions from all of our shipments.
For each order placed, Oma’s Promise donates to support an agroforestry initiative that removes CO₂ from the air, plants trees, and promotes a flourishing ecosystem. Click here to learn more about this initiative.
How do I track my order?
You can track your order using the Route app from your mobile smartphone, tablet, or computer. Using the Route app, you will be notified via email, text, and/or app notifications about order updates. With Route, you’ll know where your package is every step of the way through real-time tracking.
All notifications are customizable, so you can be notified as much or as little as you want with the quick click of a button.
Ready to track your order? Click here to download the Route app for iOS or Android.
How do I resolve an issue with my order?
If your order is lost, damaged, or stolen, you can file a claim within 15 days using the Route app in just minutes. Route’s expert support team is an extension of our Oma’s Pride support team. They will help ensure that your order gets replaced or refunded, as preferred. Be sure to file the claim within 15 days, or the claim will not be covered.
All claims with Route will be reviewed for approval within 1-2 business days after filing. If you prefer, you can still email, chat, or call Oma’s Pride directly.
A claim should be filed if any of the following conditions are met:
Marked as Delivered but Stolen: Claims will be reviewed 24 - 72 hours from when it was marked delivered. Please note that claims due to suspected stolen orders over $500 may require a police report in order to be filed.
Marked as Delivered but is Missing: Claims can be filed right after it says marked delivered.
Stuck or Delayed in Transit (Lost): Claims will be reviewed no earlier than 24 hours prior and no later than 72 hours from the last carrier update. All claims must be filed within 60 days from the order date.
Damaged from Transit: Claims from damaged items require photos of the packaging and item(s) and must be filed no later than 72 hours from when it was marked delivered.
Received the Wrong Item(s): Please reach out to us at 800-678-OMAS or email hello@omaspride.com, and we will be happy to work with you to remedy the situation.
Defects in the Item(s): If your order has defects or you suspect it was damaged during manufacturing, please reach out to us at 800-678-OMAS or email hello@omaspride.com. We will be happy to work with you to remedy the situation.
More details about our policies with Route can be found here.
Once a claim is filed and approved, you will have two options to remedy the situation:
Reorder - We will reorder and reship your items, depending on in-stock availability, at no cost to you. Unavailable items will be refunded.
Refund - We will refund an individual item or the entire order to your original payment method.
When will Oma’s Pride be running its next online sale?
Our sales often occur with product availability and market conditions. Due to this, we do not release a schedule of our promotions ahead of time.
However, you can stay up to date with all sales, exclusive promotional specials, and updates by joining our email list and following us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok).
Can I redeem more than one coupon code at checkout?
Not at this time. Our current system only allows for one coupon code redemption per online order (it’s something we’re working on!). For now, be sure to choose the best available coupon for your specific order.
What is your refund and return policy?
Our #1 priority is the health and happiness of our customers and their pets!
If you're not satisfied for any reason with a product purchased directly from Oma's Pride, please email hello@omaspride.com, use the LiveChat on our website to speak with a Customer Care Specialist, or call 1-800-678-OMAS (Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST). We will gladly work with you to resolve any issue. We want to hear from you!
Please note, due to food safety regulations, we cannot accept returns of any frozen raw products once it has left our facility. We kindly ask you to discard or donate any unwanted frozen raw products.
*Above policies refer to any products purchased directly from Oma's Pride. If you purchased from an approved distributor, please contact the original seller directly. Each approved distributor sets their own terms, product offerings, and prices.
Can you hold a shipment for me?
At the time, we are not able to accommodate holding orders because we ship orders in the order they are submitted. Since we ship food products, we aim to process and ship orders as fast as possible.
If you have a specific shipping or arrival timeframe you would like to adhere to, please reach out to a customer service representative at hello@omaspride.com to help advise you on the best time and date to place your order to arrive within a specific timeframe. Due to the nature of shipping, we can't guarantee that items will arrive at a certain time and place exactly, but we can estimate the arrival date closely and give you our best possible estimate.
Please note that all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order ships.
Can I cancel my order after I make a payment?
Due to the time-sensitive nature of our operations, we do not accept order cancellations once your payment has been processed. Once an order is placed and payment is confirmed, we begin processing and dispatching your pet's food as quickly as possible. This swift process is designed to get your pet's food to you as fast as possible.
We understand that unexpected situations may arise; exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-base basis. If you encounter any issues or have questions about your order, please email hello@omaspride.com, use the LiveChat on our website to speak with a Customer Care Specialist, or call 1-800-678-OMAS (Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST).
How long after I place my order will it be shipped?
Please allow 24-28 hours to process your order before shipment. Thank you!
What is an Oma’s Pride subscription?
With an Oma's Pride subscription, get your favorite products automatically delivered directly to your door on a schedule that works for you! With every subscription, save 5%. You’ll also get free shipping.* Modify, skip, swap, and add products to your subscription through your online account.
You can create a custom subscription or order a standard subscription for extra small, small, medium, large, and extra large dogs. We also offer a standard subscription for all sizes of felines. View our standard subscriptions here: https://omaspride.com/subscriptions/
Oma’s Pride proudly offers more customization options and flexibility with subscriptions than almost any other brand through our subscription portal.
*Please note that only standard subscriptions will be eligible for free express shipping. Custom subscriptions do not receive free express shipping; custom subscriptions under $149.00 will be charged a shipping fee. This current policy is subject to change.
How do I start a subscription?
To begin a new subscription, view and select any products you want, then click the “Subscribe and Save” button. Choose the quantity and frequency you’d like for your subscription, then add the selection to your cart.
You can repeat this same process for any other products you’d like to receive as a subscription!
How do I view my subscription?
First, log into your Oma’s Pride online account. Next, click on your name to view your account. Click “Manage Subscriptions” on the left-hand menu. From there, you’ll be directed to manage all of your online subscriptions.
In the subscription portal, you can view and make changes to the following:
Shipping address
Payment methods
Upcoming delivery dates
Edit existing subscriptions
Pause or skip a subscription
Please note: all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order ships.
How can I manage my subscription?
Through your subscription portal, you can add, edit, or change your subscription. Choose to swap products, add a product to your next delivery, or try a product as a one-time purchase! Please note: all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order is processed.
When will I receive my subscription order?
You have the ability to set your order type, date, and location in your subscription portal. Oma's Pride ships out orders Monday-Friday. Any order edits made after 12 PM EST will require 2 business days to process. Please note that express orders only ship Monday–Wednesday, depending on the service. Additionally, all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order is processed.
Can I modify the frequency of different items?
No, not at the moment. A customer support specialist can help you adjust subscription frequencies per product if desired (please email hello@omaspride.com). We recommend that all subscribed products ship at the same frequency and on the same order date, so they will show as one order number. Please note that all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order ships.
Can I receive my subscription sooner?
Yes! If you want your order to ship immediately, navigate to the subscription portal. Click the "Manage Subscription" button for your desired product, then click the “Order Now” button.
Can I skip a subscription shipment?
Yes! If you want to skip your next subscription order, navigate to the subscription portal. Click the "Manage Subscription" button for your desired product, then click the “Skip Shipment” button. Please note: all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order ships.
How do I update my payment method for my subscription?
If you want a different payment method for a particular subscription, navigate to the subscription portal. Click the “Manage Subscription” button for the product you want, then click the “Payment Method” box to update your payment information (select from your list of payment methods or add a new payment method).
How do I change the shipping address for my subscription?
If you want a different shipping address for a particular subscription, navigate to the subscription portal. Click the "Manage Subscription" button for your desired product, then click the “Shipping Addresses” box to update your shipping address. We recommend verifying shipping address changes on all your active subscriptions. Please note: all e-commerce customers must make order edits 24 hours or longer before the order ships.
For more information, please email hello@omaspride.com, use the LiveChat on our website to speak with a Customer Care Specialist, or call 1-800-678-OMAS (Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST).
For more information, please email hello@omaspride.com, use the LiveChat on our website to speak with a Customer Care Specialist, or call 1-800-678-OMAS (Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST).